Level 1

Independent Valuation Report

Over 60 years combined surveying experience

Fast turnaround

Comprehensive report

RICS Regulated

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Why do I need an Idependent Valuation Report?

If you’re buying or selling a home, getting a RICS valuation report will give you an accurate picture of what your house should be worth in today’s market. If you’re looking to rent out a property, it will let you know if your asking price is appropriate for today’s market.

A RICS valuation report will include:

  • The location of your property
  • A description of what facilities are available at the site
  • A description of the plot size, including any extensions or outbuildings
  • Detailed descriptions of all buildings on site, including their age and condition as well as any alterations or additions made over time
  • Details about any services available within walking distance from your property
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The Report Will Enable You To:


Used to support negotiations between buyers and sellers when there are disputes over the value of a property.

Sales and purchases

Used by buyers and sellers to determine a fair market price for a property, and to ensure that there are no hidden issues that could affect the value of the property.

Investment purposes

Useful for people who are looking to invest in a property, as it provides an estimate of the property's current market value and potential rental income.


Required for tax purposes, such as capital gains tax, inheritance tax, or probate.

Why Choose Us?

RICS Qualified Surveyors

Comprehensive Reports

No Hidden Costs